she's your queen blossom
She’s Your Queen Blossom was inspired by Fran and Berry Pitts. I met Fran in Leadership Oklahoma City and later became good friends with her husband Berry. They are both incredible, wonderfully kind people who give so much to others. They run Metropolitan School of Dance which is a nonprofit that teaches dance to under privileged kids. Fran is a woman of many talents and was kind enough to make the groom’s cake complete with golden elephants for our wedding festival. Berry is a man of great humor and when we get together we are often told that we shouldn’t be left without supervision. The name of the piece is named She’s Your Queen Blossom because the night before our wedding Berry called and sang She’s Your Queen from the movie Coming to America on our voicemail. The colors of the piece reflect traditional Indian wedding colors which coincidentally match the colors that Fran and Berry wore to our wedding festival. Fran and Berry are special to us and are more like family than friends.